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Ezisurg was invited to attend IFSO 2022

The 25th IFSO World Congress held in Miami, Florida from 23rd to 27th August 2022 has just come to an end. Ezisurg Medical actively participated and contributed to this event by being a platinum sponsor as well as an exhibitor. We were very welcomed and glad to see many doctors who paid visits to our booth 213 and discussed with us about anything interesting. Our dear guests come from all over the world, most of them come from Latin America countries like Peru and Argentina, and minority groups of visitors are from Middle East, North America and Europe. Throughout IFSO we met with over 100 doctors and we are grateful for every encounter and communication.

The lunch symposium on 24th August, 12:00-13:00 organized by Ezisurg Medical was a huge success. We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards our honorable speakers for our satellite symposium. Great thanks to Dr Natan Zundel, Dr Luigi Angrisani, Dr Bassem Safadi, Dr Ashraf Haddad and Dr David Nocca for their informative and intriguing sharing. The symposium room was filled with audience very quickly, and we even had fewer seats than enough since visitors continuously entered the room. Throughout the presentations, our dear speakers have demonstrated clinical studies and evidence with surgery videos completed with easyEndo series products. The audience have concentrated in listening to different topics and actively participated in the Q&A sessions.

Ezisurg Medical also takes part in the simulation center in the IFSO congress. Doctors have tried our easyEndo series products (easyUS, easyEndo Lite, easyEndo Universal) on animal tissues to test the smoothness of operations and see the product performance. We received many inquiries and feedbacks from doctors, most positive feedbacks are compliments for our products and intentions to use, but we have also collected some suggestions that could further help us promote our products. Ezisurg Medical always respects every details provided by our dear users to enhance our design and performance.


As the exclusive sponsor for the “Tropical Night” closing party on 26th, Ezisurg Medical had a wonderful time with everyone who attended the Gala dinner, taking photos with families and best friends. We are thankful to IFSO for providing us with the chance to support this joyful night.


Wish to see you again in IFSO 2023!