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Ezisurg Medical Joined the 50th International Bariatric Club Webinar

Cooperating with Ezisurg Medical, International Bariatric Club (IBC) held the 50th Webinar on November 9th. The theme of the conference "Revised surgery after sleeve gastrectomy" was widely applauded by industry insiders. This conference aims to promote exchange and cooperation between international experts and scholars in the field of bariatric surgery and demonstrate the cutting-edge techniques and important progress in this field, presenting the audience with an unparalleled collision of academic ideas.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Ariel Ortiz-Lagardere from the United States and Prof. Catalin Copaescu from Romania, and moderated by Prof. Neil Floch from the United States and Dr. Tadeja Pintar from Slovenia. At the same time, three internationally renowned speakers were invited to deliver academic reports respectively: Prof. Marc Vertruyen from Belgium, Prof. Ricardo Zorron from Germany and Prof. Andress Pentsch from Austria. Led by Dr. Bassem Safadi from Qatar, 10 surgeons, like Dr. Luis Alejandro Aranguren of Venezuela, Dr. Laurent Layani of the United Arab Emirates, Dr. Stefan Schopf of Germany, Dr. Vandana Soni of India, Dr. Zdenko Boras of Croatia, and Fabio of Brazil Prof. Viegas, Prof. Mohey Elbanna from Egypt, Mr. Chetan Parmar from UK and Prof. Tom Rogula from Poland, formed a discussion group and had a lively discussion on the report contents.

Prof. Marc Vertruyen's presentation was entitled "The sleeve conversion options for poor weight loss". He listed five types of conversion: Re-sleeve, Band over sleeve, RYGB, MGP, and F-SAGB.

Prof. Ricardo Zorron’s report title was "Sleeve conversion to RYGB, indications & technical tips". By sharing a video demonstration of previous procedures, he said RYGB and SASI are good options for gastroesophageal reflux, and SADI-S offers a promising option. He also cautioned against avoiding scarry tissue and clips during surgery.

Prof. Andress Pentsch delivered a presentation titled "Sleeve conversion to MGB, indications and technical tips". Combined with the clinical case, he believed that OAGB-MGB which used as revisional intervention after falled restrictive surgery, achieves outcomes comparable to RYGB in terms of perioperative complications providing a simpler and more effective technique.

During the discussion session, several experts exchanged opinions and answered questions on topics such as the conversion options for bariatric surgery and the reasons for the need of conversion after bariatric surgery. After the conference, many experts and scholars expressed their thanks for being invited to participate in international academic exchanges.