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Ezisurg Surgical Webinar Series-8th Episode

On October 21st, 2021, the 8th episode of Ezisurg Medical Bariatric Webinar Series was held successfully online. The conference aims to promote communication and enhance cooperation between international experts and scholars in the field of bariatric surgery and demonstrate the cutting-edge techniques and important progress in this field. This time, Ezisurg Medical was honored to invite well-known experts from the Middle East and Europe as speakers.

Prof. Patrick Noel from Emirates Specialty Hospital in UAE was invited to host the conference, and five internationally renowned speakers were also invited to give speeches: Prof. Andreas Pentsch from Australia, Prof. Hisham Abdullah from Egypt, Prof. Noureddine Chadli from Algeria, Prof. Burak Kavlakoglu from Turkey and Prof. Ognjan Skrobic from Serbia.

Prof. Andreas Pentsch, in his presentation entitled "Stapling and anastomotic technique in bariatric surgery", concluded that there is no direct relationship between pouch volume and weight loss outcomes within 2 to 3 years after RYGB, and shared a previous surgery video to prove his point.

Prof. Hisham Abdullah’s presentation was entitled " Suggestions on the treatment of leaking gastrojejunostomy with gastric bypass surgery". He shared one case of a 41-year-old male patient with anastomotic leak and the corresponding procedures, including repairing leaks with sutures and adjusting anastomosis angle.

Prof. Burak Kavlakoglu delivered a presentation on the topic of "What is the best choice for re-operation of sleeve gastrectomy". He expressed that it should be noted that many patients encountered complications such as nausea and vomiting in the immediate postoperative period within 1- 3 days. Upper gastrointestinal examination can be helpful for the diagnosis of mechanical obstruction. Patients with nausea and vomiting but without obvious obstruction should be treated with medicine.

The topic of Prof. Noureddine Chadli's report was “Three bariatric surgery cases that confront a management dilemma". In his opinion, just like classical bypass methods, both SASI and TB are prospective methods, should be performed in revision or conversion procedures after unsuccessful laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

Prof. Ognjan Skrobic's report was named "Reflux evaluation prior and after bariatric surgery". In his view, sleeve gastrectomy may cause gastroesophageal reflux  while RYGB may be offered for both weight loss and GERD resolution. Moreover, novel methods (Linx or Nissen combined with SG) need further investigation.

During the discussion section, five experts exchanged opinions on topics such as alleviating postoperative complications, GERD and obesity, and possible positive impact on GERD after SG. They also thanked Ezisurg Medical for providing a good communication platform.