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Webinar Review | The EAC 1st Belt and Road Bariatric Surgery Symposium

On September 30, 2021, The EAC 1st Belt and Road Bariatric Surgery Symposium was held online. The symposium themed "Latest Trend in Bariatric Surgeries: the year 2021" aims to promote exchanges and cooperation between experts and scholars in the field of weight loss in countries along the Belt and Road, and showcase cutting-edge procedures and milestone progress in this field. Ezisurg Medical was honored to invite worldwide well-known experts to give keynote speeches to share their ideas. More than 4500 people participated in the symposium online, which presented a wonderful collision of academic thoughts for the audience.

The conference is honored to have Prof. Khalid Mirza Gari from Saudi Arabia and Prof. Yong Wang from China as the conference chairmen, and Prof. Hazem Al Momani from UAE as the moderator. Seven experts, including Prof. Nengwei Zhang from China, Prof. Bassem Safadi from Lebanon, Prof. Ashraf Haddad from Jordan , and Prof. Mohey Elbanna from Egypt, respectively delivered keynote academic speeches and held heated discussions.

Prof. Nengwei Zhang's speech was titled "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: China". He believes that there are still many problems in bariatric surgery in China, such as insufficient postoperative nutritional support for patients, low rate of postoperative follow-up interviews, insufficient database construction and low data accuracy, incompleted construction of professional bariatric surgery team, and the remaining demand of improving academic communications at home and abroad.

Prof. Mohey Elbanna talked on "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: Egypt". He said obesity in Egypt has worsened in recent years, rising from 28.9% to 41.1% in men and  24.7% to 31.1% in women from 2008 to 2016.

Prof. Bassem Safadi's presentation was called "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: Lebanon". With lifting government subsidies for bariatric surgery in Lebanon, sleeve gastrectomy costs have dropped to as low as $1,000 to $6,000 in 2021, while irregularities such as the reuse of disposable instruments remain, Safadi said.

Prof. Ashraf Haddad's presentation was on "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: Jordan". He noted that the most common bariatric surgery performed in Jordan in 2021 was Sleeve Gastrectomy (approximately account for 56%), followed by Adjustable Gastric band (approximately 13%), One Anastomotic Gastric Bypass (approximately 10%) ,and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (approximately 9%).

Prof. Yong Wang delivered a speech "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: China" from the data perspective. He presented data on bariatric surgery at 128 hospitals in China, with Sleeve Gastrectomy accounting for 80.6%, followed by Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass at 10.7%.

Prof. Khalid Mirza Gari's presentation was entitled "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: KSA". Of the 22,000 surgical procedures studied in KSA, Sleeve Gastrectomy accounted for 60%, followed by Adjustable Gastric Band at 20%, said  him.

Prof. Hazem Al Momani's presentation was named "Latest Trend of Bariatric Surgery in 2021: UAE". He introduced to the audience that 71% of women, 69% of men, and 35% of children in the UAE are obese, while the cost of surgical instruments was rising.

During the discussion session, seven experts exchanged opinions and answered questions on topics such as bariatric data sharing, surgical expense reimbursement, surgical norms, and training, and they expressed their thanks to Ezisurg Medical for providing the platform.

The EAC 1st Belt and Road Bariatric Surgery Symposium has come to a successful conclusion. At the meeting, many experts and scholars appreciated being invited to participate in the academic exchange and looked forward to the next episode. At present, Ezisurg Medical is preparing for the next academic activity together with relevant experts at the conference. We are looking forward to your presence.

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